Roman Pichler

Pichler Consulting

Speaker Name

Roman is a leading product management expert specialised in product strategy, leadership, and agility. He has advised product leaders and he has taught product managers and product owners for more than 15 years.

Roman has written three books on product management, and he has developed a range of frameworks, methods, and tools to help organisations create successful products, including his product strategy model and widely used product vision board.

Roman shares his knowledge through his training courses and talks, and his popular blog and podcast. Find out more at:

What drives you in your job?

Helping product people create more value in an sustainable way.

What 3 skills/behaviors are crucial to doing your job really well?

Being empathic and understand the needs of the people I teach and advise.
Being able to think analytically; paying attention to the details and seeing the big picture at the same time.
Being curious and open minded; having a growth mindset.

What does "leadership" in agile teams mean to you?

Guiding people, helping them move forward and achieve desired outcomes.

What is the most important insight that the participants will take away from your talk?

How to create effective product strategy and systematically evolve the plan.
Typ Title Speaker(s) Company Year
Vortrag Produktstrategie und Produkterfolg

Slidedeck (PDF)

Roman Pichler Pichler Consulting WP 2017
Vortrag Tipps für den richtigen Umgang mit schwierigen Stakeholdern

Slidedeck (PDF)

Roman Pichler Pichler Consulting WP 2020
Workshop Ask Me Anything: Leadership im Produktmanagement

Roman Pichler Pichler Consulting WP 2020